Compliance reports: specific reports related to compliance monitoring, compliance audit, compliance gap analysis etc.
- Level of understanding of privacy compliance for key stakeholders and business managers – current level, recommended level, recommended steps to achieve the recommended level.
- Data Islands Map, access control lists.
- Recommended updates for ROPA, Data Flow Maps.
- Current process for identifying and evaluating data processing activities with suggested improvements.
- Current process for risk evaluation and mitigation with suggested improvements.
- Current process for technical and organizational measures success measurement with suggested improvements.
- Register of DPIAs consistency, recommendation of DPIAs for other types of processing activities if necessary.
- Current status of Data Protection Agreements to be signed with partners; identifying blockers and solutions to overcome the blockers.
- Technical and Organizational Measures status in execution with recommended updates.
- Results and key learnings from simulations on data subject access rights, technical and organizational measures tests.
- Documentation update.