This one-day course is dedicated to marketing specialists, digital marketing enthusiasts and to those who seek innovative means to promote their business through smart investments. The course is structured into three chapters:
I – Always-On Marketing
In this chapter you will learn how to create and execute always-on marketing strategies – continuous presence and permanent marketing activities versus seasonal campaigns – by using internal resources and the power of the brand advocates. We will discuss around examples, case studies and smart ways to use the voice of fans.
II – Connecting to customer motives and passions
This is one of the most interesting marketing directions which combines the analysis of customer behaviour with psychology and psychometrics. You will discover through the works of Jung, Joseph Campbell and Margaret Mark the behaviour archetype compass and how to apply it in order to define customer motives and passions.
III – Growth Hacking and lean analytics
The last chapter is dedicated to business analytics methodologies and to developing the concept of growth hacking – A data-driven test and measurement approach to reaching, converting and retaining customers on a scalable basis. You will discover case studies, examples of growth hacking where innovative managers invested smart with a maximum impact in profit.
For details regarding the next course (in RO) click HERE. If you want a custom course please contact me.